TRANSECT stands for Trans-disciplinary approaches for Systemic economic, Ecological and Climate change Transitions. We’re working alongside 11 Innovation Hubs – up and running on-farm trials – in 10 countries, exploring their work and learnings, successes and failures, in order to accelerate change by demonstrating real world solutions to real world issues in farming. The variety of practices and farm types involved in the project gives a sense of the depth and breadth of our ambition.
Ultimately, the project is aligned with EU policies, especially the Common Agricultural Policy, Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategy.
What do we mean by ‘agroecology’?
We have based our definition of the term ‘agroecology’ on frameworks created by previous projects such as the Food and Agriculture Organization’s 10 Elements of Agroecology, the 13 principles of agroecology developed by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition and Gliessman’s five levels of agroecology
How is the project structured?
The project is divided into seven ‘work packages’ (WPs), aiming at:
- Conceptualising agroecology for climate change mitigation, resilient agriculture and enhanced biodiversity in the European context (WP2)
- Unfolding the local potential of agroecology in the European context through science-society arrangements (WP3 & 4)
- Scaling out and scaling up solutions through market and policy support (WP5 & 6)
- Promoting knowledge sharing across stakeholders and communicating results for impact (WP7)