Main goals of the project

  • To put to the test how to achieve low-till cropping in organic systems.
  • To explore the possibilities of encouraging the food sector to support the transition.


This Innovation Hub has historically been made up of both organic and conventional farmers, learning together about reducing the use of pesticides in conservation agriculture. 

This phase of the project is working with farmers who want to try to reduce soil tillage in organic cropping systems. 

This is done through:

  • experience and knowledge-sharing inside the group 
  • leading on-farm systemic long term experimentation
  • observing and measuring the impacts of the practices on different aspects: crop development and yield, soil characteristics and functioning, weed management, etc.

Difficulties and possibilities are then discussed together.

One of the main successes so far has been finding interesting levers that enable promising innovative systems. We can then asses the various results and their feasibility. 

We are also able to state collectively what the requirements and limits of the practices are, and to test them against variability in weather patterns.

Innovation Hub facilitator: Aline Fockedey