Innovation Hub locations

Bio Danubius - Romania

Certified, diverse temporary grassland mixtures - Switzerland

Coccinelle - France

Conservation Agriculture Network - Denmark

Green Box Čarna - Slovenia

High Nature Value Farming in Western Stara Planina - Bulgaria

INRAE Guadeloupe - French West Indies

Inspira Territorio - Spain

Living Interrow - Hungary

Organic and low till - Belgium

Stripcropping Network - The Netherlands


How were the Innovation Hubs selected?

The 11 Innovation Hubs are all pre-existing, action-oriented agroecological initiatives, rooted in their local areas, and represent the diversity of European agricultural systems and bioclimatic zones. What they have in common is their ripeness for acceleration, with scientific and practical research to back them up. This is what Agroecology TRANSECT, with our platform, expertise, confidence and funding, gives them.